Helping real estate investors maximize
their tax benefits through careful strategy.

Get a team of accountants that understands the value & complexity of property ownership

A look at how we serve our clients:
Clients: Steve & Jenny
*Names have been changed to maintain client confidentiality
Owned Real Estate Value: $4.3 million
Looking For: Ongoing tax assistance for their properties, investments, 1031 exchanges, and multi-generation planning
The Situation

Steve and Jenny started their real estate careers with the purchase of their first property in 2005. After renovating it, they discovered a passion for flipping houses and have slowly built a multi-million dollar portfolio. They realized that they had outgrown their current CPA and had contacted our firm for a complementary assessment of their situation.

Our Approach

During our complimentary initial consultations, we review the previous year’s tax return to determine if any planning opportunities had been missed. We then prepare an analysis that outlines what we would do differently and the value that would produce in the form of tax savings.

The Results

After reviewing Steve and Jenny’s returns, we determined that the previous CPA was not making use of a tax-efficient entity design for their real estate empire. Our team began by recommending a combination of different entity types, from LLCs to S-Corporations that would allow Steve and Jenny to treat portions of their business as an active enterprise that could support everything from accelerated depreciation through cost segregation studies to robust retirement and benefit plans for Steve and Jenny. This combination of strategies brought Steve and Jenny down from the Federal and California brackets, which, combined, are above 50%, down to approximately 23%.

Business OwnersIndividuals & Families
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